Tuesday, December 20, 2011

SqwishLand Toys Holiday Giveaways!

Who says you need to wait for Christmas Day and Santa Claus to arrive to get your SqwishLand toys? Thanks to generous SqwishLand lovers like you who are willing to give some toys, you can get some free toys even before Christmas day. Another mom blogger from momtobedby8.com loved SqwishLand toys so much that she wants to share with her readers the fun experience that their family gets from these toys.

This holiday season we wanted to share the DIY SqwishLand Frog with you the reader. It is not only a paintable creature which is always super fun to kids but also comes with its very own SqwishLander inside. So no matter if they are new to SqwishLand or have been playing for a while, all of the pieces to get them started are right here in the box.

Find out how you can get your hands on the free SqwishLand toys at http://www.momtobedby8.com/2011/12/diy-sqwishland.html

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Do you have a DIY SqwishLand art kit yet?

Have you ever imagined a SqwishLander that looks so rare and sqwishtastic? Did you ever wish it can be made into a real toy that other kids can buy too? Well, we heard you. Now your imagined SqwishLander can become real with the DIY SqwishLand art kit! Choose from a 5-inch blank Sqwarrot or Sqwrog toy canvas to paint in any way you want.

But the fun doesn't stop there. After creating your SqwishLand masterpiece, you can enter your design in the DIY SqwishLand Talent Search. The winning design will be made into mass produced toys together just like the SqwishLand characters you've grown to love. Just take pictures of your design and upload them at http://diysqwishland.com/

You can purchase your DIY SqwishLand art kit at SqwishLand's official online toy store, http://shop.sqwishland.com/